Fishing The Salmon River
The 1880 House Fisherman’s Lodge overlooks the Salmon River, a world class fishery in Pulaski, Oswego County, New York. The Salmon River is the premier Salmon and Steelhead Trout fishery in New York State. Oswego county boasts 10 IFGA world record fish, most of which were caught in the Salmon River.
Huge numbers of lake run fish enter the Salmon River from Lake Ontario beginning with the Chinook Salmon (King Salmon) and the Coho Salmon (Silver Salmon) in late August and are quickly followed by the Steelhead Trout and Brown Trout.
Keep in mind that many of the anglers coming to fish the Salmon River make reservations a year in advance to be sure to plan accordingly. The 1880 House does not recommend coming to the Salmon River area during Salmon Season without a reservation!

Chinook or King Salmon
The Chinook Salmon also known as the King Salmon is both the largest and most abundant fish in the Salmon River and is well known for its powerful often unstopable runs which is why anglers travel from around the world to experience them first hand. Kings can weigh in at over 40 lbs with many landed in the 20-30 lb range.
Prime season for fishing the King or Chinook is September and October.
Coho or Silver Salmon
The Coho Salmon is smaller than the King Salmon and is well known as an acrobatic sports fish due to its ability to leap high into the air and change directions without notice. A world record Coho was caught on the Salmon River weighing in at over 33 lbs but most typically weighing 6-15 lbs.
Prime season for the Coho or Silver Salmon is also September through October.
Steelhead Trout
Steelhead trout also known as ‘chrome’ or ‘steelies’ due to their dime bright color when they first enter the river are prized among sports fishermen for their fighting spirit and leaping abilities while trying to shake loose. Steelhead grow as large as 40 lbs, though most landed will weigh 8-12 lbs.
Prime time for fishing Steelhead Trout is November and December however large numbers of these beautiful fish are in the river through May.
Catch and Release The 1880 House asks our Steelhead anglers to please practice ‘Catch and Release’ and bring the camera instead of a cooler. Of course If you catch a trophy steelhead for mounting or would like one for the table that’s OK but please remember what an amazing experience it was for you and realize the more of these beautiful fish we release the more opportunities you and future generations will have to experience our wonderful fishery as well